Sunday, October 2, 2016

Season 2, Episode 11: The Chinese Restaurant

My Rating of this episode: 9/10 stars
IMDB Rating of this episode: 8.9/10 stars

This episode aired May 23, 1991. This episode is also out of order on the dvd's which has this as episode 6.

Jerry's storyline: Jerry, George, and Elaine wait an entire episode for a table at a Chinese Restaurant and do/say funny things. Jerry had told his Uncle that he had a stomachache in order to get out of having dinner with him because Jerry wanted to go watch Plan 9 from Outer Space on the big screen with George and Elaine. Of course their names are called instantly after they finally choose to leave.

Favorite Jerry part(s): Jerry's best part is when he bumps into a lady he recognizes, but doesn't know where he recognizes her from. She starts talking to him asking him how he is doing and Jerry keeps giving awkward non-specific answers while Elaine enjoys observing Jerry squirm a little.   

George's storyline: Goes to dinner with Jerry and Elaine. George spends most of the time concerned about contacting his date "Tatiana".

Favorite George part(s): George gets frustrated with a guy on the pay phone who won't get off. George expresses his anger to Jerry: "And look at his little outfit. It's all so coordinated, the little socks match the little shirt. I really hate this guy."

George with the classic line after Elaine asks him if she should take the bet from Jerry to go randomly eat food off of someone's table: "For fifty bucks? I'd put my face in the soup and blow."

The best laugh for me is when George does not get the phone because a lady swoops in and gets it right before he does. He is visibly frustrated as he walks away and loudly declares for all to hear: "You know, we're living in a society! We're supposed to act in a civilized way!"

George misses Tatiana's return call: "She called. I missed her. He yelled Cartwright." Jerry: "Who's Cartwright?" George: "I'm Cartwright." Jerry: "You're not Cartwright." George: "Of course I'm not Cartwright!"  

Kramer's storyline: None

Favorite Kramer part(s): N/A 

Elaine's storyline: Goes to dinner with Jerry and George. Spends most of the episode very famished.    

Favorite Elaine part(s): "Did you ever notice how happy people are when they finally get a table? They think they're so special because they've been chosen. It's enough to make you sick."

Elaine floats a theory that it should not be first come, first served but based on who's hungriest.

She has several other good bits including a commentary about how exciting it was when your parents first take you out to eat and how now she just feels like a hog waiting for them to fill up the trough.    

Supporting characters in this episode: No recurring characters. The Chinese Restaurant guy is fantastic.  

Favorite character in this episode: I really like George in this episode, but I got to give this one to Elaine, her first time winning the favorite character for me. She gets more and more frustrated the hungrier she gets as they continue to wait and is really funny in this episode, easily her best yet. 

Final thoughts:

Kramer does not make an appearance in the episode which is a shame because he has been on a role lately. The only other episode at this point to not feature one of the main characters was the Pilot episode which did not feature Elaine.

Larry David's voice can clearly be heard as one of the people asking what Elaine said when she approaches the table for Jerry's bet.

This is a very good episode and is unique in that the entire episode all takes place in that one small waiting area which I believe was fairly groundbreaking at that time for a sitcom to do such a thing. It is the perfect example of why Seinfeld is referred to as a show about nothing. I could easily give it a 10, but opted to give it a 9 largely based on no Kramer. It's a great episode and has always been one of my favorites from the early Seinfeld episodes and is considered one of the show's "classic episodes".

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